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5 Steps To Take After A DWI Charge

October 17, 2024

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Facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge can be overwhelming, but knowing the steps to take immediately after the incident can make a significant difference in your case. With the assistance of an experienced DWI lawyer, you can take the necessary steps towards building a successful defense and pursuing a positive outcome in your case. Below are five straightforward steps to consider.

  • Remain Calm and Comply with Authorities

When you’re first stopped and charged with a DWI, staying calm is crucial. Any actions you take during this time can be used later in court, so it’s important to comply with law enforcement. Provide your identification and follow lawful instructions, but remember you have rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to refuse certain tests (depending on your jurisdiction). You do not have to say anything that you do not want to, especially including an admission of guilt.

  • Document What Happened

As soon as possible after the incident, write down everything you can remember. Include details such as what led to the stop, what occurred during the stop, what tests were performed, and if there were any witnesses. The more information you can provide to your lawyer, the better prepared they will be to build a defense. Even small details can make a difference, so don’t leave anything out.

  • Request a Hearing to Protect Your License

After a DWI charge, your license may be at risk of suspension. In many states, you have a limited window of time (often 10 to 15 days) to request a hearing to challenge the suspension. Missing this deadline can result in automatic loss of driving privileges. It’s essential to act quickly to preserve your right to drive while the case is ongoing. Attorneys like those at Archambault Criminal Defense can attest to the importance of meeting these deadlines to keep your license intact while the legal process unfolds.

  • Seek Legal Representation

One of the most important steps you can take is to hire a lawyer experienced in handling DWI cases. They will guide you through the legal process, review the evidence against you, and work to protect your rights. A DWI charge is a serious matter that can carry severe penalties, including fines, jail time, and a criminal record. An attorney can evaluate your case, identify possible defenses, and negotiate on your behalf. DWI laws can vary from state to state, so it’s important to have someone local, experienced, and knowledgeable on your side to navigate the legal landscape.

  • Follow All Court Instructions

Once charged, you will likely be required to attend hearings, meet deadlines, and complete court-mandated tasks such as alcohol education programs or community service. Failing to comply with any court orders can lead to additional penalties, including harsher sentencing or even contempt of court charges. Ensuring that you stay on track of all responsibilities is paramount.

Keep a close eye on all communication from the court and your lawyer. Meeting deadlines and attending all required sessions can show the court that you are taking the charge seriously and could lead to a more favorable outcome in your case.

Contact A DWI Lawyer Today

Facing a DWI charge is a serious matter that requires immediate attention and taking the right steps to protect your rights and future. From staying calm during the arrest to seeking experienced legal representation, each step can have a direct impact on the outcome of your case. As you move forward and towards a favorable outcome, do not hesitate to reach out to a qualified DWI lawyer to guide you through the process and provide the support you need to handle the charge effectively.

Additionally, if you have been wrongfully charged with a DWI in an accident in which another person’s negligence led to your injury, our personal injury lawyer at The Law Office of Bennett M. Cohen, P.C. may be able to help you.

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San Francisco Personal Injury Attorney

Bennett M. Cohen brings over 30 years of litigation experience which includes representing plaintiffs against massive companies like the Shell Oil Company, Standard Insurance Company, and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Bennett M. Cohen brings an experienced and dynamic touch that separates himself from large law firms. He can oversee every aspect of your case, ensuring you receive specialized assistance.

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